From 3 July, some disposable plastic products will be banned in the EU.

Prohibited for placing on the market from July 3 are earplugs, cutlery, plastic plates, straws, stirrers, balloon sticks and food and beverage containers made of expanded polystyrene – i.e.. Styrofoam as well as oxo-degradable plastic.

With regard to the other disposable food cans, which can be consumed directly from the court or taken out, as well as the cups and their lids, each country will have to draw up measures to reduce their consumption. The goal is to reverse the trend of consumption growth, and by 2026 there should be a decrease in consumption, measured compared to 2022.

There is a change in the requirements for plastic bottles up to 3 litres. Those that are made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET bottles) from 2025 will have to contain at least 25% recycled plastic, and from 2030 – at least 30%. The calculation will be based on an average for all PET bottles placed on the market. Separately, their separate collection will have to be increased. By 2025, 77% of the bottles must be collected, and by 2029 – 90%. Another big problem is caps and lids. They will have to remain attached to the containers during the use of the product and will be valid from July 3, 2024.