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Industrial solutions

Clean Water Bulgaria offers manufacturing, installation and comprehensive maintenance of a wide range of water filtration solutions for residential buildings, hotels and industrial sites such as factories and workshops. All industrial installations are individually designed and tailored to the needs and specifications of the specific site. With the industrial solutions of Clean Water Bulgaria you can significantly reduce the cost of water used, increase its quality, as well as prevent unwanted accidents, damage and frequent servicing of equipment due to the use of unfiltered water.

Separation filters

Separation filters separating filter systems operating on the principle of removal of solid particles having a higher specific gravity than water by means of centrifugal forces.

Multimedia filter systems – Multimedia filters to remove suspended solids, turbidity 
and impurities such as iron and manganese. They are used as a pre-treatment step for treated water and drinking water applications or are sometimes used to remove turbidity coming from wastewater treatment systems.

Activated carbon filters – Activated carbon filters are mainly used to remove chlorine, but are also used in the removal of dissolved gases and organic compounds that impart undesirable color, taste and odor.

Multimedia filter systems

Multimedia filtration systems with facial pipelines and activated carbon

Standard control valves do not have enough capacity to handle a large capacity of more than 20 m3 – hour, using the method of surface pipeline multimedia filter systems and activated carbon systems.

Softening systems its on- exchange softening systems with a large capacity up to 180 m3 / hour.

Reverse osmosis systems industrial reverse osmosis systems with capacities up to 75 m3 / day

Ultrafiltration systems – industrial ultrafiltration systems with a capacity of up to 200m3. / day

Wastewater treatment systems – treatment plants with treatment capacity up to 200 m3. / day

Contact us for a free consultation and inspection of your site to choose together the most appropriate solution.