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River water purification system with lamellar precipitator
River water purification system with lamellar precipitator

River water purification system with lamellar precipitator

We install the most slabs with the most […]

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We install the most slabs with the most effective angle in the smallest space per square foot. This design allows the „sedimentation area“ or the surface to be up to 10 times larger than the actual occupied area of ​​the clarifying area. Significant reduction of the required floor space is achieved by reducing the distance between the tiles to a few inches and arranging the settling surfaces.


Based on physical and chemical treatment two standard systems with a capacity of 50 m3 / h and 100 m3 / h; for greater capacity, custom projects are made using multi-systems. 10 times the equivalent area of ​​sedimentation by traditional clarifiers. Corrosion resistant and fully submerged PVC panels. Plates mounted at 55 degrees for optimal precipitation of solid particles. Self-cleaning plates and no moving parts lead to low maintenance costs. The space-saving footprint allows efficient use of land. APPLICATIONS These compact purification systems, which include pre-chlorination, coagulation-flocculation, lamella clarification, sand filtration and subsequent chlorination, can ideally be used where separation of the suspended solids is required,

Raw water will be collected from Iraqi rivers or other freshwater aquatic ecosystems to produce drinking water for several household purposes (human consumption and other common uses). The treatment line of this treatment plant includes:


The purpose of the flocculation-coagulation process is to remove very thin particles called colloids, which are very important aqueous constituents. They cause turbulence and many times form stable colloidal suspensions


The purpose of the flocculation-coagulation process is to remove very thin particles called colloids, which are very important aqueous constituents. They cause turbulence and many times form stable colloidal suspensions


Избистрянето на суровата вода след химическа обработка обикновено се извършва чрез гравитационно утаяване. За да се намали необходимата повърхност на утаяване, много често се използва ламеларно утаяване. Ефективно, за разлика от конвенционалната седиментация, седиментацията на ламела предлага висока седиментационна повърхност, когато наличната повърхност на терена е намалена. След утаяване пречистената вода преминава в резервоар за съхранение (резервоар за регулиране), от който водата се изпомпва с помощта на хоризонтални центробежни помпи към пясъчни филтри под налягане.


Основната цел на пясъчната филтрация е да се отстранят всички малки частици и стада, които не са били отстранени в процеса на избистряне, за да се получи чиста вода, готова за обществено снабдяване.


In order to ensure the final quality of the treated water, post-chlorination operation is required, especially with regard to the required levels of residual free chlorine.