One week. The maximum period that the human body can withstand without water. Since our body is made up of 70% water, it is essential not only to have access to drinking water, but also to keep it as clean as possible. Constant consumption of unfiltered, not very clean water can cause serious health problems, which are often neglected, as it takes some time to manifest. Today, despite our growing development, more than 2.2 billion people still do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Fortunately, there are now more and more advanced and innovative technological filtration systems on the market, such as the ultrafiltration systems. Currently filtered water is of much better quality than ordinary tap or bottled water.

1. Filtered water is much cheaper

The use of water filters is much more profitable than buying bottled water, which is also harmful to the environment due to the pollution associated with the production, use and disposal of plastic bottles. In fact, much of the bottled water comes from the same sources as tap water, i.e.. buying bottled water, we just buy the plastic bottle. Investing in professional filtration system will not only reduce costs but also will ensure yourself and your loved ones much more high-quality drinking water that will always e quality filtering moment.

  1. Filtered water has huge environmental benefits.

Bottled water and related plastic waste are among the main polluters of the environment, as discarded bottles need 300 years to decompose completely. Bottling water also consumes a huge amount of water resources, because for the production of each litre of bottled water, 3 litres of water are actually used. This is a huge and irresponsible waste of resources, to which 2.2. billion people do not even have access.

  1. Water filtration removes all contaminants.

Quality filter systems, such as multi-stage ultrafiltration systems, remove all contaminants and harmful chemical elements from the water, leaving only what is good for you and your health. Chlorine, heavy metals, lead, arsenic – all things that have no place in the water. Filtration systems remove all of them, while leaking all the minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc, providing you with the best quality and useful water you can provide.

  1. Water filters give a much better taste and smell to drinking water.

Because filtration systems purify water instantly, it tastes and smells much better, as the microorganisms that make it worse do not have time to grow, as is often the case with bottled water stored in warehouses. Filtered water also removes the taste of chlorine, which is specific to unfiltered tap water.


  1. Filtered water has a number of benefits for your health.

As filtration systems remove all contaminants at the moment, filtered water has a number of useful properties, starting with the detoxification effect, through improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, weight loss, absorption of minerals by the body and leading to better hydration. of the skin and the work of the immune system. All systems of your body will be healthier and more efficient when they are provided with a clean and quality resource.

  1. Water filters do not require constant maintenance

Clean Water Bulgaria ultrafiltration systems are compact, easy to install and maintain, serviced once every 12-18 months, providing continuous access to clean drinking water for you and your loved ones.

As you have read, water filtration has huge advantages over tap and bottled water, as we have listed only some of them in the article. Filtration systems are becoming more accessible and enjoying increasing interest. If you are considering investing in a system that guarantees you and your family the maximum quality of this valuable resource, you can look at the technological solutions and simply contact us through the contact form for a free consultation.